Wednesday, May 27, 2009

St. Arnold's Elissa IPA

So, Sarah and I were browsing the beer aisle at Whole Foods for something new, and look what we found! The Elissa has her own namesake brew, an India Pale Ale by the St. Arnold Brewing Company of Houston. Some of the proceeds support Texas Seaport Museum, too. Guess what we're buying a case of for the wedding? Haven't tried it yet, though. Hope it's good. Better get some Shiner Bock, too, just in case.

Update: Plaaargh, it's bitter! Do people really drink IPAs for enjoyment?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

This other time... this party, Michi told roommate Mason that Orange Crush soda would get him really wasted. And he drank like four of them. So trusting.

This one time..

...Sarah was so proud.

"Breast petals" defined

Funny dress-shopping story:

Shopgirl at Cache: "You know, we have a coupon out. You only need to spend $16 more, and you can save $50 on your purchase."

Michi: "Thanks, that's great! Uh, what do you have in here that's close to $16?"

Shopgirl: "Well...we have these lovely breast petals."

Michi: "'Breast petals?' But what are they?"


Shopgirl: "They're little flowers, and they have adhesive, see...they go under the dress..."

Michi: "They're pasties that you don't show off."

Shopgirl: "Yes."

Finished stuff!

In a rather odd glass-half-full moment, I'm making a list of the planning things we have done, rather than the ones we have yet to do:

Venue deposit sent
Photographer deposit sent
Officiant paid
Vows OK'd
Suits tailored
Dress procured
"Breast petals" defined
Buffet designed
Cake tiers chosen
Guest book selected
Novelty ball and chain purchased
Novelty garter purchased
Cake topper designed
Invitation sent to printer

At the printer's!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

This one time...

...we brought the cutest little bugger home with us.

Furniture? What furniture?

There's that old joke, "What does a lesbian bring on a second date? A U-Haul truck." I did move in with Sarah on our second date. Here's the story.

When we first started dating in 2004, the outside of Sarah's apartment looked like this:

And the inside looked like this:

I lived in the building next door. My apartment had plenty of furniture, but it also had three awful roommates who made my life miserable day and night. Sarah had two lovely roommates, Gina and Christina, who let me crash on their floor for eight months while I rode out my lease. Thanks, guys!

This other time...

...we matched clothes by accident.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

This one time...

Now that we're getting married, it's time to look back on all the fun times we've had in the five-ish years we've been together. Starting with, this one time...Sarah and Michi dyed each others' hair after a night of drankin'. Michi's ended up an icky sorta-purple...

..while Sarah got the worst of it with some orange clown hair!

Extra classy touch: Her shirt says "best if used by midnight."

The first time we met (Michi's version)

It was June 2004, I had just turned 18 and was transferring to the University of Texas at Dallas in the fall. It was one of the freshman orientation weekends, but I wasn't a freshman so I didn't have to go. I had volunteered to help man a booth for H.O.M.A.G.E., the student gay/lesbian organization.

I didn't really know what I was doing there. I wasn't a member of H.O.M.A.G.E. School didn't start for another two months. The campus was a long way from home, and I barely knew how to drive--I remember driving 30 in the right lane, people honking at me all the way there. I ran a few errands first. I picked up a campus map, had my student ID made, and dropped off an application at the college newspaper. But I felt ill at ease and rushed to the student center like there was an invisible string pulling me along. I think I somehow knew it was the most important day of my life, even though I didn't know why yet.

Inside, David, the club president, and I were not getting any business. We had some brochures, a cryptic banner, a sign-up sheet, and a bowl of candy. (Tootsie roll assortment, I think--no wonder.) We were right across from the UTD Power Dancers' booth, which was swamped with Plano stage moms and recently displaced high school cheerleaders. Even the chess club on the left was getting more takers than us.

Then I saw her. My first thought was, what a gorgeous baby dyke! She had gorgeous red hair and freckles, toned arms, and a totally confident smile. My second thought was, nah. She looked way to trendy for me. She had on Hot Topic cargo pants, a graphic tank and an eyebrow ring, and her hair was spiked in the back and flat-ironed over one eye, all MySpace style. Also, I knew she was a freshman, and there was no way a junior was going to go out with a freshman. (Even though Sarah is three months older than me!)

So she noticed the table, strode right over like it was nothing, and introduced herself to David. I buried my face in a brochure. I was so nervous I didn't say anything to her and she left. I saw on the sign-up sheet that her name was Sarah. She also put down her email address, and I furtively copied it onto a scrap of paper. I never wrote her, though, I was way too shy.

A little while later, a couple of parents came over and started asking about H.O.M.A.G.E. They said their daughter was gay and would be starting at UTD in the fall. They seemed super caring and cool. David was talking their ears off about the latest freedom-to-marry initiative, and I kept trying to cut in and tell them about fun stuff the club did, like pool parties and drag shows. I didn't know they were Sarah's parents. When she brought me to meet them the first time, boy, was that a surprise!

School started and I didn't see Sarah again for three months. But that's another story.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Something blue

A dress decision has been made...I won't be wearing a dress at all, but a skirt and top instead. I found the skirt at a resale shop last week and absolutely fell in love with it. The way it looks, the way it fits, the way it makes me feel, and of course, the color-a shade just like the ocean halfway between Galveston and the Caribbean. It's floor-length and silk, with lace in a slightly darker blue. I love the length because I will be able to wear flats with it--a requirement for the ship's deck. It's from Calypso by Christiane Celle. If I see one up for sale on eBay, I'll post a picture, otherwise I'm too lazy. Here's a swatch from a different skirt in the same fabric:

I'm currently looking for a white/ivory top to go with it, something structured to balance out the fullness. And traditional bridal accessories--pearls, a hairpiece of some kind, a bouquet. I like these roses, irises, and lillies:

The decision not to wear white all over was a toughie, because how many chances does a girl get to look like a bride? But...tradition kinda flew out the window when I decided to marry Sarah. And I haven't seen a wedding dress yet that I liked enough to even try on, much less spend big bucks on and store forever and never wear again. Blue is a favorite color, universally flattering, symbolic of loyalty and spirituality, perfect for a seaside wedding. And besides, the "ancient" tradition of bridal white only dates back as far a Queen Victoria. She had a white dress made to burn off some extra lace she had lying around, and it's been the fashion for brides ever since. Before her, a Western bride simply got married in her best dress of any color, except black (reserved for mourning) or red (associated with immorality). And Sarah likes the skirt, so there.

More Elissa pics!

Here's the rest of the pictures. Sorry for the small size/low quality, these are the only copies I can find right now. Captions underneath.
Thar she blows! Her sails and some of the rigging were damaged by Ike, so they're currently being worked on.
The landing right outside the ticket office. Ship is to the left, museum to the right. Second story landing at the pier, perfect for dance floor, bar, refreshments, band...
Lovely views of the Elissa. The white ship in the background is the Carnival Ecstasy, taking on passengers for a five-day voyage to the Mexican Carribean. Sarah, and the bow facing the Harbor House.
A festive gangplank, with some tourists.
Harbor House again. We might stay here, we might not, it depends on if the repairs are complete and if rooms are available. It would be great to be able to walk from the pier to the honeymoon suite and then back to the pier in the morning.
Still a lot of junk from Ike. The workshop (shown here) and museum caught the worst of it.
Excited Sarah boarding the ship.
Tim playing preacher-man!
Yvonne looking worried.
We can't believe we're coming back in September!
Practicing the kiss...
"The honeymoon suite," Tim said. Uh, oh...I hope not.
Ahoy there, steering wheel!
The galley. Looks pretty much like my cook line at work, only a bit more spacious.
Galveston weather does not agree with my hair, therefore I am wearing a hat. And considering a veil for the wedding.
There's quite a bit of space on deck. We want to have a brief ceremony here, with Sarah and I standing at the wheelhouse and guests standing below. (Except the older folks will have chairs.) Then move the party to the dock and let guests explore the ship at their leisure.

Site visit

Finally, some pics of our chosen site. Tim and Yvonne took us out to Galveston over the holidays. We walked around the boat, asked questions, and ate lunch at Willie G's on the pier which was delicious--maybe the best Gulf Snapper I've ever eaten, with perfect risotto and grilled asparagus and Burgundy beurre blanc...but I digress. These pics were taken in December, so the weather's a little cold and gray. But the Elissa is still beautiful.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Wedding Panic

Over the past few months, Sarah and I have been of the same mind about planning the wedding--that is, no mind at all. We're thrilled to be getting married, but nervous and procrastinate-y when it comes to the wedding. Which is better than the alternative, anyway. But now it's starting to sink in that I have just about six months to plan and next to nothing lined up, and the panic's setting in.

We did visit the Elissa with Sarah's parents over the holidays to scope it out and take pictures. I'll post them if I can ever find where Sarah saved them on her black hole of a compy.